
Bantuan Hukum Perusahaan

Kami memberikan bantuan hukum yang komprehensif untuk mendirikan perusahaan baru, memperoleh izin usaha, dan memenuhi kebutuhan hukum yang sedang berlangsung.

Jasa Pendirian Badan Usaha
Layanan Perizinan Usaha
Layanan OSS (NIB)

Foreign Investment Legal Services

Assisting with legal matters related to foreign investments, ensuring compliance with regulations, and facilitating smooth transactions.

Investment Compliance Checks
Legal Oversight for Transactions
Customized Legal Advice for Foreign Investments

Legal Auditing Services

Offering in-depth legal auditing services to identify potential risks, ensure legal compliance, and enhance overall business security.

Risk Identification Processes
Compliance Assurance Strategies
Enhancement of Legal Security Measures

Retainer Legal Support

Providing continuous legal support on a retainer basis, offering swift legal advice, negotiations, and representation whenever required.

Quick Legal Advice Availability
Negotiation Support
Representation in Legal Matters
Dapatkan Bantuan Hukum Sekarang

Hubungi Legal True untuk Kebutuhan Hukum Anda

Konsultasi Gratis? +62 8961 4655 814

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